Laptop replacement for Desktop or Additional Screen?

They say that a 17″ laptop is a good replacement for a desktop PC if you wish to save space and be able to condense that office in the corner of your lounge/dining room back into a normal looking room again when finished work!

A 17″ laptop obviously has a bigger screen than a 13″ or 15.6″ tablet or laptop making it more readable if one has lots of data like a spreadsheet or if one’s eye sight is probamatic and the screen characters need to be set larger.

The alternative is to add another screen to your laptop.  This may not only be more cost effective but allows the use of much larger screens, 20″, 22″, 23″, 24″ or larger still.

A second screen also allows multiple screen use with Extending the Desktop across both screens, e.g. use the laptop screen to show your emails and the larger screen for your work, excel, word or your internet access via a browser. If you are working from home after the COVID-19 pandemic, this may ease strain on ones eyes!

This facility equally applies to Desktop PCs if you have an additional Graphics Card that may or may not already be installed (check to see if you have two VGA/HDMI sockets at the rear, one pair off the main CPU board and the other pair from an additional board within a PCI socket).

To simplify connection, check the output sockets available on your laptop.  There may be a VGA socket or a HDMI socket.  If you already have a spare monitor, it may have a VGA input socket and connect directly to your VGA socket on the laptop.  If you have only a HDMI output on a modern laptop, then this VGA monitor can still be connected by purchasing a HDMI Male to VGA Female Video Converter Adapter Connection Adapter Cable.

The following are some of the equipment available:-

17″ or 17.3″ laptops

VGA monitors

HDMI Monitors


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